Your Podcast Captains are back!
Coming back from the break to discuss their favorite Halloween TV Episodes!
Which shows have they decided to cover? What are their favorite Halloween traditions? Will they go off on tangents that have nothing to do with TV, or maybe even Halloween??
But tune in just to know for sure!!!
Stay tuned for Season 2, and just maybe, another holiday special before then...
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions!
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They finally did it! You've asked them to cover this show ever since Pilot Seasons was first announced, and now Stephen and Matt have finally given into your demands!
Join your podcast captains for one last trip this season, into the world of the cult classic, Freaks & Geeks (Available on Hulu)!
Will it live up to the expectations? Will it beat out Zach Stone is Gonna Be Famous? Will the guys return for a season 2, or stay on the path of the very shows they've studied and end with only one season? Tune in to find out, and follow Pilot Seasons on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on season 2!
Thank you so much, from the bottom of our hearts, to anyone who's been listening
Theme Music: Escape Me by Great Lakes Feather Company
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions.
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They finally did it! Join your podcast captains, Stephen and Matt, as they decide the fate of the often-mentioned FOX TV series, Son of Zorn!
Joined by their good friend, and self appointed #1 Pilot Seasons Fan, RJ Truax!
Did this show deserve it's fate, or would the guys have decided otherwise? Can RJ ever pronounce Jason Sudeikis' name right? Why does he hate Ben Stiller so much? How many tangents could we possibly go on that have nothing to do with the titular show?
Find out on this week's Pilot Seasons!
Theme Music: Escape Me - Great Lakes Feather Company
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions
Find out more at
Join your podcast captains, Stephen and Matt, as they dive back into the Marvel Universe, with one of their best friends (and Co-Host of Matt's other podcast) Doug Shepard to talk all about the Inhumans!
Did this show deserve it's cancelation? Is it the worst thing to ever come out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Why did this turn into the longest episode yet of Pilot Seasons?
Find out the answers to these questions and more on this week's episode!
Theme Music: Escape Me - Great Lakes Feather Company
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions!
Join your podcast captains, Stephen and Matt as they take you on a journey to the early 2000's FOX series, Greg The Bunny, starring Seth Green, Eugene Levy, and Sarah Silverman!
Did this show live up to the hype from last episode's guest, Landon Defeaver? Did it deserve to be canceled? Do Stephen and Matt want to start a podcast about the band, Ween???
Find out this week on Pilot Seasons!
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions!
Join your podcast captains, Matt and Stephen, as they take you, along with fellow passenger, Landon Defeaver (Films For The Void) on a journey into 2013 MTV as they discuss the short lived sitcom Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous (Available on VUDU).
Created by one of both Stephen and Matt's favorite comedians, Bo Burnham, does it stand the test of 8 years' time? Did it deserve its cancelation? Will he become famous? Did Matt figure out how to do a podcast over Zoom? And are you also feeling some kind of way after watching Bo Burnham's new special on Netflix? Because I sure am.
Special thanks to Landon Defeaver for joining us this week. You can catch his podcast, Films For The Void, anywhere you listen to them!
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions
This week, Stephen and Matt take a look at the cult classic, Clone High! (Available on Paramount+)
Will they try to bring it back? Will it beat out The Muppets? Find out on this week's episode!
Theme Music: Escape Me - Great Lakes Feather Company
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions!
Join your Podcast Captains, as they take a trip into the world of The Muppets!
This week the guys take a look at the 2015 TV show, The Muppets (Available on Disney+)! Find out what they think of it! Should it have survived past its first season? Can it beat out Clerks? What is Matt's least favorite band? How does Stephen like his popcorn? Will Tomato ever stop interrupting our shows?
Find out this week on Pilot Seasons!
Theme Music: Escape Me - Great Lakes Feather Company
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions!
Join your Podcast Captains, Stephen and Matt, as they dive into Big Lake, a show that aired on Comedy Central in 2010, starring one of Matt's favorite comedians, Chris Gethard!
Will Chris' presence be enough for the guys to keep this show on the air? Or will they cancel it as well?
Theme Music: Escape Me - Great Lakes Feather Company
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions
This week, Stephen and Matt take on the early 90's sketch comedy, The Ben Stiller Show! Did it deserve its cancelation? Should it be brought back? Find out this episode!
Theme Music: Escape Me - Great Lakes Feather Company
Brought to you by Very Fair Productions.